Wednesday, July 6, 2011

ONLY IN AMERICA do we let killers go free!

My head hurts, it's been to long of a day! I'm sad and frustrated. But i know most of the country is feeling the same. Baby Caylee Anthony didn't get her justice, her mother Casey Marie Anthony will walk free. And the little angel will never see the light of day.

If u haven't been following this horrible case let me inform you a bit. In 2008 this pathological liar (Casey) killed her baby Caylee (2-years-old), and for a whole month she didn't inform authorities or anyone else. In that month while her baby was already dead she partied like crazy got a tattoo that read 'La Bella Vita' which is the beautiful life in Italian; and probably did a number of countless things that we will never know. Until her mother confronted her and finally called the police. In the months to come this killer lied lied lied to everyone even the cops. She made up invisible friends,boyfriends,jobs, etc...... even a nanny (Zanny the Nanny) all she could say was i have no idea where Caylee is (seriously what kind of mother doesn't care about her own child gone missing for 31 days? Anyways Caylee's body was finally found on December (decomposed) and just a completely horrible scene.

according to CNN Justice "Prosecutors alleged Anthony used chloroform to render her daughter unconscious and then duct-taped her mouth and nose to suffocate her. They alleged that she put the child's body in the trunk of her car for a few days before disposing of it," SERIOUSLY????????

Now finally until 2011 justice was going to be served. The trial lasted about  6 long weeks, the prosecution was right on track they presented all the evidence, pictures, back stories and even defended her parents (which after reading other articles i believe they are guilty) 

But on Tuesday July 5th the jurors were to deliberate the verdict. Everyone thought we would get closure from seeing this monster get 1st degree murder along with the death penalty, but what happen they found her NOT GUILTY! I was disgusted, shocked, flabbergasted etc.......

I couldn't believe it, this killer throughout the whole trial looked relaxed, happy (would even smile) and cry on cue when they would speak about her. She never cried for her baby, would just bow her head down when they would show evidence. So how is it that now she's free? How is it that 12 people out of everyone who knew she was guilty went in to prove other wise????????

I don't get it at all HLN (which had the complete coverage) reporters,lawyers, Judges believed justice would be served. But they too seemed surprised and full of rage.

Anyways this killer will probably walk free coming Thursday (a lot of people will be waiting outside for her) but what will she do? how can she face society knowing that deep in her rotten cold heart she hides the truth!

 Well only in America do we have such a corrupt justice system. She's seriously the next O.J Simpson.
I'm sure she will become rich in no time (every magazine, book publishers, media outlets will be hounding her like dogs to speak about her experience) Heck she might even get her own reality show (HOW TO KILL YOUR CHILD AND GET AWAY WITH IT) very very disgusting!

I honestly feel for this baby! And it sadness me to think that she's not the first nor the last to do this, and who knows how many more that we won't ever find out. But this case just open the door to all those killers.

Kill your children and then lie about it because you'll get a pat on the back later on.

All i can say is Rest In Peace Caylee Anthony! Only God will do Justice for u!

Caylee Anthony!

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