Saturday, March 12, 2011

It finally worked!

Oh I've abandon my dear blog! Well im back, i've been preoccupied updating my nail design blog and enjoying myself. But i have been meaning to post that it is officially my 4th month and 6th day since my surgery. I am very happy to report that im feeling fantastic. I feel like a new me, i feel so good. The last time i saw my Endocrinologists even he was happy to hear that i had felt much better ran some blood work and finally my new dosage is the one that works for my thyroid levels are where they should be.

Since then i have been able to be myself just like I was or even better since all this happen. I'm very happy with myself and im making big improvements not only with my health but also with my life. I feel like this is a 2nd chance to do everything i haven't done and to do everything i need to the right way. 

I still need to go to my cardiologist for my heart palpitations (im not getting them too frequently but there still there from time to time) But can't complain im supper happy with how i feel.

Can't say it enough but thank you so much to everyone who has prayed for me wished me luck in any form.
I'm extremely grateful. So bless you for all your kind words to my speedy recovery.

Onto a completely different subject. I would like to say that it has been a very sad day and my prayers go out to Japan for the horrible Earthquake and Tsunami they have been hit with. I can't even begin to imagine what it has been like. Just viewing and hearing about it scares me so much. I hope everyone who is trying to communicate with their loved one's over there can find them and know they are safe.

Again thank you so much and many blessings to you out there.

xoxo -Karla-