Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Need my insurance + 5 months since my surgery!

5 months and counting, Wow unbelievable we are in April, the months and they days have gone by so fast. It is now 5 months since my surgery. I can say that i'm feeling really great. Depression and my anxiety attacks haven't been back for a while now. My chest still hurts and i've been putting off my cardiologist appointment. But as soon as i can i will check it out. My thyroid medication is still working out really great although my hair continues to get thinner by the day. My pillow is always full of hair that just falls on its own and when i shower i can really notice how much hair i'm loosing, I can't do anything about it, but its fine for now as long as i'm feeling better.

Now what i have are tons of bills piling up. I'm very disappointed at the kind of system we have here in America. So let me tell you in December when i turned 24 i outgrew out of my dad's insurance but in June i go back to his insurance all thanks to the new Obama law. But in the meantime i have bills to pay now, in order to do that, their is a government program called Cobra which you pay them and they pay your bills that your insurance couldn't cover. Well i'm not working right now and i def don't have $2,000 laying around to pay my bills. So i went to apply for medical here is where my story begins. So i thought it would be a good thing to apply to medical seeing that right now i don't have a job and im still recovering from my Cancer.
and what the heck i really thought they would give it to me.

Boy was i wrong. I wasted 4 hours of my life in that filthy place, filled with pregnant women, small children and a whole lot of bitches (some of those people who work there are so mean) So i filled the application the very first thing the the lady asked me was: 'ARE YOU PREGNANT' um NO should i be (yes i should be)
 anyways i waited and waited and waited until finally my number came up i seriously waited to be called for 4 hours and once they called me the lady took about 2 minutes to inform me that there's no way in hell i can get medical because i don't fall under any of the 4 main things which are 1.Be over 65  2. If under 65, must have a child under 18, 3. Be disabled or my favorite one 4. Be Pregnant. really??????

So i think that program sucks-ass badly its very unfortunate that i can't take part in it because i need it i don't have money to pay for my bills. How does everyone else who doesn't have insurance or fall under those regulations deal with it? Also does the government even control who their giving these aids too? No they don't which brings me to my next story.

My uncle went through a roller coaster of horrible disasters because he got with the worst piece of trash ever, he had a child with her and now the child is 10 and my family and I have always been the one caring for the child because the piece of trash decided to abandon him several times. Anyways that story is supper long and extremely annoying but my point is that this piece of trash has a new born son again (isn't that nice) with some other fool who fell into her crap. She already had a daughter from her previous relationship (before my uncle) well from close sources my uncle has found out that this magnificent piece of shit is living life to the fullest shes on welfare, medical and every single government program out there. She's making bank with those two kids of hers plus she has some illegal girl who also has a baby so im sure she's getting money from that child. also she just bought herself a brand new car. WOW isn't that wonderful. Here we are still with her child that she abandon not receiving a single dime from the government. So that makes me mad because like her there are tons of people out there living like that no wonder people won't stop having kids, they know they have it made.

It's very very sad, that a student with Cancer like myself can't seem to find a single job or get some kind of help from the government but yet people who are just taking up space in this world live a some what good life.

I'm eternally grateful that until now i didn't have a need to apply to medical but i really feel for everyone else out there who doesn't have insurance and can't get medical. Illnesses come at any age so the regulations that program has are very stupid. I sound like Michael Moore but home boy is totally right!

Don't worry America I won't be getting pregnant any time soon and making you pay for my child!

thanks for reading my rant and have a good day, and even if you don't have insurance and you don't
feel well find yourself some help. Before it's too late.
