Thursday, July 21, 2011

Not feeling so good today!

Anxiety and stress has been taking over me today. I can't stand it makes me want to cry for no particular reason. It's just so annoying i wish i had one whole day of knowing that tomorrow i wouldn't have any anxiety or these kinds of feelings. I still can't sleep when night falls it feels like torture. My heart palpitations have been annoying me again, would usually come around before my period. But these days they have been present almost every day. I've tried my best, today i did my nails which usually does the trick but not today.

Yesterday my mom and i went to try to get some piece of mind by watching a screening. It was way too full but we were able to get free passes to watch Horrible Bosses. We really enjoyed it, but now it seems like a distant joyful memory. I wish my joys would last. But they don't and it bothers me is it me or is it my Thyroid?

No matter how hard i try these annoying thoughts, feelings, mood swings fluctuate from 1-10.

Tomorrow i will see my Endocrinologists im hopping he will help me to get some piece of mind!

Wish me Luck!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

I've found some peace of mind!

I have found a really wonderful place that i feel understands everything im going through. It's called 'Dear Thyroid' the cute narrows it down to what it's about. But it's more than that it's to give awareness of thyroid cancer. I wrote my letter to them so check it out!

you can also read it here

Dear Thyroid:
On November 5th 2010 (almost 8months now), I went in for a partial thyroidectomy, and came out with a complete thyroidectomy and with my surgeon’s words on my ear “Karla you did wonderful but we had to take it all out, because it was Cancer”. I was pretty sedated when he told me and made the mistake of breaking it to my parents in that condition…

This is my story of my missing bow:
Ever since I can remember, when I would go for regular check-ups, my pediatricians would always imply something about my thyroid. I would get my thyroid levels checked and everything always came back normal. But I was always on the chunky side, so that was always one of the main topics of discussion. After I graduated high school, I started seeing a new doctor. From the very beginning, she didn’t like the small lump on my neck, and immediately sent me to get a biopsy. Unfortunately, I never got those results. I let it slide for quite a while.

With each yearly check-up, the biopsy came up and she continued to send me for biopsies. I had about 3 biopsies that came  back unclear, but noted that I had an existing nodule/goiter. Being the procrastinator that I am, I let my nodule/goiter slide. Until July of last year 2010 when I had a severe bronchitis that lasted about 3 weeks, followed by a visit to the ER for anxiety/dehydration/depression.  (I was also diagnosed with high blood pressure and was placed on medication.) After all that, I was a complete wreck. I was depressed all the time. I did a follow up with my regular doctor.

She gave me bronchitis medication and also told me that I had lost nearly 12 pounds in 3 weeks due to my bronchitis. During the check-up, she went straight for my neck and saw a much bigger lump then she recalled; it wasn’t that visible to me. She sent me to an ENT. He sent me for yet another biopsy, which hurt really badly. When my results came back, he told me that Hurtle cells were present and he wanted me to meet with a surgeon immediately. After hearing that, I left his office filled with anxiety and tears. I met with my surgeon, Dr. Kerner. my guardian. He explained the whole procedure and that he was sure that it wouldn’t be cancer; due to my age and non existing family history of thyroid disease. Two-weeks went by. My surgery was scheduled on Friday November 5th 2010.

I was completely scared, + the rainy weather didn’t help at all. I didn’t think I would make it, because my family has had issues with anesthesia. The wait seemed like hours and my nerves got the best of me. I have thin veins, therefore the nurses tried both my arms, wrists, even the top of my hands, which hurt really badly,  for about 10x’s until finally the anesthesiologist came to my rescue. He was able to locate my vein on the 2nd try and start the IV. I said my, “see you later’s” to my parents and was transported via hospital bed to the surgery room. The bright lights, blue nurses and cold room sent me into a panic attack. When they wrapped me up, being claustrophobic. it didn’t help. They were very friendly and got me talking. Then, I was completely knocked out until my surgery was over. 

My 3-day recovery in the hospital was emotionally draining. I didn’t have any severe pain, just the loss of my voice, a severe sore throat and lack of movement. No appetite, oh yeah, and a little pouch over my chest draining my blood. It all seemed like a dream. I was so glad to be back home. While in my bed for the very first hour, it finally hit me, I had cancer at the age of 23. I just began to cry. I couldn’t really sit up straight. I felt completely sorry for myself. After each visit to the doctor or to the hospital for my full body scans and the radiation pill, I became very depressed. I started to do hand drawn nail art to calm myself down. Sometimes it would work. Sometimes it didn’t. I would make my mother sleep with me day after day because I was scared to be on my own.

Now that it’s been almost 8 months since my surgery, I’m still having quite a lot of issues, like anxiety, depression,  heart palpitations and insomnia. All of it still scares me, to think of what I’ve gone through. I  began a blog dedicated to my thyroid that has helped me a lot. I know that I need a lot of mental and emotional support. What I’ve been through still scares me. I began a blog dedicated to my thyroid that has helped me a lot. I know that i need a lot of mental, emotional and physical help and support to help surpass all this. I feel like the shock is over. I’m stuck with the trauma of it all. My family, friends and loved one’s have helped me so much and continue lending a hand to my recuperation.
I was very glad, and delighted to find such a cute blog dedicated to thyroid issues. It will help me re evaluate myself and learn things that I didn’t know about.

Thank you so much for allowing me to share my story, and i hope it helps girls my age that are going through what I’m going through know that their not alone.

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's all bitter sweet -HARRY POTTER IT ALL HAS ENDED-

Just got back home from watching the midnight screening of Harry Potter and Deathly Hollows part 2! It's 3 am but i can't contain myself i must write this blog entry. I'm all shocked up i can't describe how i feel its all so bitter sweet. A big part of my life has ended, and i mean that to the whole extend of the word. The movie was phenomenal (bloody brilliant) lol exiting, funny, adventures, action packed, sad, emotional etc....... so many emotions at once. That Theater roared with cheers, applause's, laughter's and tears (although i couldn't manage to squeeze not even one tiny tear lol) But overall I'm so happy.

My Harry Potter journey began in 6th grade, i had to give an oral book report presentation and i remember i saw the book at Best Buy  bought it and immediately fell completely in love with it. Onto the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and finally the 7th (yes i'm one of those the book HP Nerd) lol and then the movies came and i am proud to announce that i was able to watch every single one of the HP movies in theater. That's quite an accomplishment lol. Anyways it feels so good and i'm so proud of how it has all ended. This was a big part of my life and i should say my whole entire generation world wide. I will never forget the anticipation we would get after each movie would end to watch the next one in line. But now it's so weird no Harry Potter next year!

But i will forever hold and treasure all the memories i hold to my dear character Harry Potter. It's now time to grow up (well right after Twilight that is)

As a tribute to Harry Potter last Friday Andrea and i hosted a Harry Potter party. And i must say it was so much fun. All of our guest came dressed in Harry Potter attire and it was just fantastic.

Good night

here are the fotos:

the Harry Potter feast

My Nail Design 

Right hand

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

ONLY IN AMERICA do we let killers go free!

My head hurts, it's been to long of a day! I'm sad and frustrated. But i know most of the country is feeling the same. Baby Caylee Anthony didn't get her justice, her mother Casey Marie Anthony will walk free. And the little angel will never see the light of day.

If u haven't been following this horrible case let me inform you a bit. In 2008 this pathological liar (Casey) killed her baby Caylee (2-years-old), and for a whole month she didn't inform authorities or anyone else. In that month while her baby was already dead she partied like crazy got a tattoo that read 'La Bella Vita' which is the beautiful life in Italian; and probably did a number of countless things that we will never know. Until her mother confronted her and finally called the police. In the months to come this killer lied lied lied to everyone even the cops. She made up invisible friends,boyfriends,jobs, etc...... even a nanny (Zanny the Nanny) all she could say was i have no idea where Caylee is (seriously what kind of mother doesn't care about her own child gone missing for 31 days? Anyways Caylee's body was finally found on December (decomposed) and just a completely horrible scene.

according to CNN Justice "Prosecutors alleged Anthony used chloroform to render her daughter unconscious and then duct-taped her mouth and nose to suffocate her. They alleged that she put the child's body in the trunk of her car for a few days before disposing of it," SERIOUSLY????????

Now finally until 2011 justice was going to be served. The trial lasted about  6 long weeks, the prosecution was right on track they presented all the evidence, pictures, back stories and even defended her parents (which after reading other articles i believe they are guilty) 

But on Tuesday July 5th the jurors were to deliberate the verdict. Everyone thought we would get closure from seeing this monster get 1st degree murder along with the death penalty, but what happen they found her NOT GUILTY! I was disgusted, shocked, flabbergasted etc.......

I couldn't believe it, this killer throughout the whole trial looked relaxed, happy (would even smile) and cry on cue when they would speak about her. She never cried for her baby, would just bow her head down when they would show evidence. So how is it that now she's free? How is it that 12 people out of everyone who knew she was guilty went in to prove other wise????????

I don't get it at all HLN (which had the complete coverage) reporters,lawyers, Judges believed justice would be served. But they too seemed surprised and full of rage.

Anyways this killer will probably walk free coming Thursday (a lot of people will be waiting outside for her) but what will she do? how can she face society knowing that deep in her rotten cold heart she hides the truth!

 Well only in America do we have such a corrupt justice system. She's seriously the next O.J Simpson.
I'm sure she will become rich in no time (every magazine, book publishers, media outlets will be hounding her like dogs to speak about her experience) Heck she might even get her own reality show (HOW TO KILL YOUR CHILD AND GET AWAY WITH IT) very very disgusting!

I honestly feel for this baby! And it sadness me to think that she's not the first nor the last to do this, and who knows how many more that we won't ever find out. But this case just open the door to all those killers.

Kill your children and then lie about it because you'll get a pat on the back later on.

All i can say is Rest In Peace Caylee Anthony! Only God will do Justice for u!

Caylee Anthony!

Monday, July 4, 2011

I'M finally insured

I'm sweating ballz here, it's extremely hot and our A/C isn't working properly. I've been a tad sick with the flu and insomnia. But i think this heat is the one to blame for it. Depression has hit me a bit but maybe my T3 levels are down or something.

I am extremely happy to announce that i finally have insurance again!!!!!! Yeay woot woot, seriously when i got my insurance card in the mail i felt like i was getting a big OPI collection ha ha ha (i wish).

No words can describe how happy i am, after almost 3 months without insurance i finally have it. I feel safe it's so odd and I know it sounds crazy but i appreciate my health insurance so much. You don't realize what you have until u loose it. And trust me i appreciate it to the max now. Tomorrow is officially 8 months since my surgery and to be honest it has felt way longer than that. I think ill wait a while until i schedule an appointment with my Endo. But i'm pretty sure ill be alright. I've been trying my best to exercise, my mom, sister and i have become obsessed with the 'JustDance 2 wii game' we officially know all the moves and boy does it make u sweat. My eating habits have to improve, i get carried away with skipping meals or eating late.

In other news  i want my own Nail website, I've been trying to create one but it's been so difficult. But once i figure out how to do it, and have a budget for it. I will create one for my nail designs i plan to make it my future career. My nail tech class will begin in September, in the meantime I'm doing nail designs for fun.
Don't forget to check out and follow my blog at it recently got a make-over with a cool banner.

Happy 4th of July be safe!
