Friday, October 22, 2010

No other choice but to be strong!

Decided to change my blog a bit, if you ask me i think it looks much cheerful and probably a lot clearer than before!

I met my surgeon today he seems very nice and aside from that i felt comfortable and very relaxed with him. His name is Dr. Kerner (of course i goggled him) and I'm surprised to have found that he's one of the top ENT's in the San Fernando Valley "Was named the best ENT Physician and Surgeon in Los Angeles by the LA Times Magazine in 2009." (check him out).

He explained the whole procedure first of all I'm already scheduled to have it done at the Northridge Hospital on the 5th of November,  in less than 2 weeks from today.

I will get general anesthesia. They (Dr. Kern and Dr. Accomozo) will remove the right side of my thyroid, after-wards while I'm still asleep the pathologist will check it out and will hopefully determine right there and then if it's cancerous if it is they will take out my whole thyroid.

I really hope the Pathologist determines the severity of my tumor immediately because Dr. Kerner did mention that sometimes it's inconclusive and therefore the patient has to wait 2-4 days for their results. The problem with this is that if it is cancerous another surgery has to be performed.  Which i don't want. I prefer they
find out immediately so they can just take out everything on the spot!

Quite frankly i was terrified i still am but not as much as before, thank God for GOOGLE i feel a lot better knowing that I'm in the hands of an experienced Doctor.

I'm trying to keep my nerves down and only projecting positive thoughts not only for me but for my family and friends specially for my mother. She's making this bumpy ride a lot safer with just being my #1 partner in all my appointments.

So next week maybe Thursday i will go see my general Doctor just to make sure that I'm ready for my surgery.

 For now thank you so much to all my friends and loved one's who are being so supportive it is definitely helping so much!

I love you all



  1. Are you going to post before- after pictures?

  2. And by the way I found the article discussing the new molecular test to determine if Hurtle cell neoplasm is cancerous or not. Not sure if this can apply to your case but may still be good to read

  3. Thanks for the article it's very insighteful I don' know if it applies to my case but I'm definitely going to mention it to my doctor. About the pictures yeah maybe ill do that!

  4. KARLA! you got this, gurrl. It's absolutely normal to be nervous but i'm soooo happy to know that you'll be in good hands. I really hope that they don't find any cancer. Be strong, love you.

  5. Thanks Liat yeah that's definitely a plus knowing that i'm in good hands. I love you too!
